Stratifies NAFLD Patients And Diagnoses NASH and NASH cirrhosis
Diagnoses NASH and NASH cirrhosis with LIVERFASt™
LIVERFASt™ is a blood-based test that provides a complete liver assessment and diagnosis for fibrosis, cirrhosis, activity and steatosis from early to late NASH stages.
LIVERFASt™ Identifies NAFLD Among Patients With MetS
The median scores of LIVERFASt™ tests increase with the number of MetS factors.
LIVERFASt™ stratifies NAFLD according to fibrosis stage and activity and steatosis grades.
LIVERFASt™ performs similarly for patients with obesity and diabetes.
Reliable Results Compared To Elastography
LIVERFASt™ provides reliable results in patients with conditions where liver stiffness measurement by elastography could not:
- Severe obesity (risk of failure of elastography)
- Severe steatosis (risk of overestimation of liver stiffness)
- Significant liver cytolysis upper than 3 times ULN (risk of overestimation of liver stiffness)
LIVERFASt™ Outperforms Other Standards Of Care
LIVERFASt™ provides higher accuracy for cirrhosis in both diabetic and non-diabetic patients:
For severe fibrosis and cirrhosis:
- Performed comparably to elastography with better applicability and no failure
- Outperformed FIB-4 in the identification of cirrhosis and severe fibrosis in Type 2 Diabetes NAFLD patients.
For early fibrosis:
- Better performance than elastography without bias from inflammatory activity and steatosis.
For steatosis:
- Better grading of steatosis than liver ultrasound and controlled attenuation parameter (CAP).
LIVERFASt™ Has Similar Accuracy To Transient Elastography For Cirrhosis Diagnosis But With Better Applicability
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